Frontend Nation The Ultimate Dev Event! Join 50+ Industry Experts for Talks, Panels & Live Coding (Дата оригинальной публикации

Calling all devs! Frontend Nation is the biggest FREE online frontend event EVER. Join 50 industry superstars for 3 days of talks, workshops & collaboration! Highlights: ✨ Hot topics: Accessibility, open source, UX, creative coding & more! ✨ 3 days of speakers you won’t want to miss (Evan You, Kent C. Dodds, Minko Gechev, Angie Jones, Kelly Vaughn, Jessica Sachs, Vite Core Team, podcast team, Sébastien Chopin, Daniel Roe and more!) ✨ 1 day of live coding workshops with Vue, React, and Angular experts. Visit to sign up!
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