The most famous low-power nuclear weapon is the 155-mm W48 nuclear projectile. Its capacity in TNT equivalent is 72 tons. When it explodes, a fireball with a diameter of 98 meters is formed. That is, at a distance of 49 meters from the explosion, any substance does not just burn up, but completely evaporates. The shock wave is guaranteed to kill at a distance of 91 meters. However, a person did not survive at i 92 meters - he was already affected by the following two damaging factors: penetrating radiation and light radiation, and the affected area of the first one overlaps with the affected area of radiation, and where a person would be killed by radiation, he would die even earlier from burns incompatible with life. Potentially fatal burns are inflicted at a distance of 410 meters from the epicenter. Only at a distance of 610 meters can a person survive 100%, and at 915 meters-there will be an explosion without consequences for him. At the beginning of the video about the distance of hitting ODABS and a separate video about FAbs.
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