Car cartoons full episodes & Leo the Truck songs for kids. Street vehicles, cars and trucks for kids

Come and watch car cartoons full episodes and sing Leo the Truck songs for kids in a new learning cartoon for kids! Learn the words of Leo’s songs for babies and have fun with street vehicles, cars and trucks for kids! Let’s sing all those kids’ songs and nursery rhymes for kids with Leo - the Excavator song for kids, the Bus song for kids, the Cars song for kids, the Chu Chu Train song for kids, the Finger family song for kids, the Animal train song for kids. Learn farm animals for kids, the Old McDonald had a farm song, the Sing with Leo song for kids, the Cookie Jar song for kids, the Incy Wincy Spider song for kids, the Coloured Spiders song for kids, the Fish Song for kids, the Alphabet song for kids, the Frogs song for kids, and the Learn months song for kids. What is your favorite kids’ song? Let’s sing it one more time! 00:01 - The Excavator song for kids 02:55 - The Bus song for kids 05:56 - The Cars song for kids 08:06 - The Chu Chu Train song f
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