Godkiller: Walk Among Us

Here’s the complete GODKILLER: WALK AMONG US, our first foray into this experimental animation format we call illustrated-films. The first part debuted back in 2009, the feature was released in 2010. We were working on this at the same time Warner Brothers was working on Watchmen Motion Comic (each of us unaware of what the other was doing). The main difference between Watchmen Motion Comic (and motion comics in general) versus Godkiller is that Godkiller’s illustrations were created specifically for this format. Also we treated this as experimental cinema and our concept from the get-go was to drive the pace through the audio like an illustrated radio-play with very limited animation. We’re working on the sequel GODKILLER: TOMORROW’S ASHES now, but in the meantime you can read the continuing adventures of Tommy, Halfpipe, and the rest in the comics available at “Post-nuclear punk odyssey Godkiller is making the jump from indie comic book to ’illu
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