A quick explanation of advanced movement techniques possible in the game: Left 4 Dead 2.
00:00 Intro
00:18 Quick Ladder Climbs
02:16 Idle Warps
04:01 Stuck Warps
06:15 No Ledge Grabs
08:26 Fall Interrupts (Propane Tanks)
09:51 Fall Interrupts (Explosive Ammo)
10:23 Fall Interrupts (Alternative Strat)
11:15 No-fall-damage Buff Persists
11:58 Mounted Gun Boosts
13:32 Infected Boosts
15:18 Tank-punch Boosts
16:44 Strafe Jumping
19:13 Bunny Hopping
22:02 Crouch Jumping
22:37 Crouch Bunny Hopping
23:30 Outro
Useful commands:
sv_cheats 1
(Enables cheats. Needed to use most other commands.)
map [map name]
(Needed to load into maps. All start with c# for chapter number and then m# for map number. Example: c1m2 is Dead Center map 2: Streets.)
(Disables random common and special infected from spawning. Use director_start to re-enable.)
sb_all_bot_game 1
(Makes it possible for everyone on the survivor team to be a bot.)
jointeam 0/1/2
(Used to join the spectator team, the infected team and the survivor team.)
sb_stop 1
(Disables survivor bot AI. Use 0 to re-enable.)
kick [survivor name]
(Kicks a bot from the game. Mainly used to stop your survivor from periodically annoyingly yelling “where is everybody.” Can be used to remove special infected too. Example kick tank.)
nb_blind 1
(Makes infected blind. Useful when you spawn then so they don’t attack.)
z_spawn [infected name]
(Used to spawn special infected. Example z_spawn witch to spawn a witch.)
god 1
(Enables god mode. Use value 0 to disable.)
hidehud 4
(Disables the hud. Use number 0 to re-enable.)
(Creates 2 commands in the console. Copy past the commands back into the console to teleport back to the spot you used the command. Useful to not have to walk back up to a high places to practice something over and over.)
give [item]
(Gives the survivor the item. For a list of items write out give in the console and then use the up and down arrows to scroll through the possible items. Example give knife.)
sb_takecontrol [survivor name]
(Gives you control of a different survivor.)
cl_showpos 1
(Puts a position and velocity indicator on screen. Use value 0 to disable.)
showtriggers_toggle 1
(Allows you to see invisible triggers. Use value 0 to disable.)
Thanks for watching. Your viewership is greatly appreciated. Au revoir.
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