Working Models (1957)

Bourton-on-the-Water, Oxfordshire. M/S of 68 year old Francis Deeks in his workshop, he is working on a wooden model on a bench in front of him. C/U of the model of a cart and his hands filing one of the wheels. C/U of his face, C/U of his hands fitting the wheel to the cart, C/U as he turns the cart the right way up and fits a model of a man holding a sack to the top. He lifts the sack up a couple of times to make sure the mechanism works. C/U of his face as he works, he lifts the cart up and looks underneath. The narrator tells us he makes “animated dioramas“. Exterior. M/S of a large sign saying ’Exhibition You Should Not Miss’ with various models of mechanical men attached to the sign sawing and painting it. The camera pans over to a small marquee with the sign ’Working Models’ outside it, this is in the grounds of Chester House. A man, woman and little girl walk towards the entrance. M/S of the interior of the marquee, Mr B Modley and his daughter and son, Peter, are looking at a working
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