Christmas traditions around the world: France

Hi, I’m Wilbur. My friends at Webcertain have all been talking about one thing lately: Christmas! A lot of Webcertainers come from around the world, and I’ve noticed that each country has its own unique traditions. My friend Sam has family in France, and she says that food is a big part of the celebrations. Christmas dinner is usually eaten on Christmas Eve evening, and is a feast of several courses that can last for hours! The main course is usually poultry, and other common Christmas foods include oysters, smoked salmon and pate de foie gras. Wine and champagne are drunk with every course. Dessert is often bûche de Noël, which is a sponge cake decorated like a yule log, covered with chocolate and chestnuts. Nuts and dried fruit are also popular. There are traditions to do with the dinner table itself too: the ends of the tablecloth might be knotted so that the Devil can’t get under the table! I hope you’ve enjoyed learning how they do things in France. Happy Christmas from everyone at Webcertain!
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