Best Practices Regarding the Protection of the Rights and Freedoms of Children and Youth on Internet

Forum “Internet for Youth” Panel Discussion: Young, Digital, Interdependent: the Best World Practices Regarding the Protection of the Rights and Freedoms of Children and Youth on the Internet Protection of the rights of the youth in the digital environment cannot exist without international cooperation, global digitalisation is not about just absolute advantages, but also risks that can be reduced only with global cooperation. During the panel discussion our foreign partners will tell us about institutions that protect the rights of the children and the youth on the Internet, about the obstacles they face and also they will tell us about their experience of educating the youth about digital skills. Who and how does protect children and youth on Internet in other states? What are the types of violations of the rights of youth in digital sphere we have to deal with permanently? How effective will it be, according to foreign colleagues, to establish the institute of Youth digital ombudsman? What is the way to se
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