Giants: Were They Real?

Were Giants real here on Earth, or just something we know stories of? Were they what we’ve been told? Are the bones we’ve seen real? Here, Deanna Carr and Sue Greenwald discuss Giants, a little about how they lived, and some things we weren’t told about them. Leave any questions in the comment section. Deanna connects with Angels, Fairies, along with crystals, trees, animals and other beings, alive and inanimate. She is able to easily channel, and does personal readings. She works with the fairies to provide healing services to others. We’ll be doing more videos together to talk about interesting topics: Mystical Creatures, Sacred Sites, UFO’s, Angels and some of our fun experiences together. Deanna’s YouTube Channel is @Themystical_moonlight Want a private reading with Deanna? Schedule your Reading at Email her at Themysticalmoonlight13@ Sue’s latest project is a blog website telling stories about supernatural experiences, with pictures from Sue and others that have had interesting experiences with Angles, UFO’s, Fairies or Mystical Creatures like Dragons, Sasquatch, Synchronicities, Visions, etc.: Blog Website Facebook & Instagram @SuesAwakenedStories or Instagram Telegram
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