EU leaders debate migration amid Belarus ’state-sponsored smuggling’ | DW News

European Union leaders have spent the last two days tackling a list of mounting challenges. An uptick in migrants crossing into the EU from non-member Belarus has sparked heated debate. Some leaders want to build more walls to control migration. Others are hoping for diplomatic solutions. The situation is serious, Poland has ramped up border protection, but security forces are accused of conducting violent pushbacks. The alleged actions of Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko can be felt in Brussels. EU leaders - often not on the same page when it comes to migration - did agree on several points at this summit. The EU Commission was also tasked with proposing changes to the legal framework, to combat future challenges that they say are just a matter of time. Commission President von der Leyen reiterated the need for a common migration and asylum policy. Fences alone won’t solve the problem. Subscribe: F
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