S/HE - contemporary dance performance - MN DANCE COMPANY
Video from the premiere of dance performance S/HE by MN Dance Company - November 2017.
More info about it
Production: MN Dance Company and SNG Nova Gorica
Choreographers Michal Rynia, Nastja Bremec Rynia
Authors of Concept and Selection of Texts: Michal Rynia, Nastja Bremec Rynia, Ana Kržišnik Blažica, Maja Nemec
Texsts for paraphrase and inspiration by Bertolt Brecht, Franz Kafka, John O‘Donohue, Platon, Rumi, Song of Songs, Dane Zajc
Dramaturg: Ana Kržišnik Blažica
Language Consultant: Srečko Fišer
Set and Costume Designers Michal Rynia, Nastja Bremec Rynia, Ana Špacapan
Composers: Diaphane, Viperstone
Light Designer: Samo Oblokar
Sound Designer: Matej Čelik
Dancers: Nastja Bremec Rynia, Tjaša Bucik, Giordano Orchi, Hanna Röckner, Michal Rynia, Maria Pia Taggio, Jan
Actors: Jure Kopušar, Maja Nemec
Musicians: Viperstone
Recording: Aljaz Novak
In our search for completeness, happiness and fulfilment we often rely on the Other, the man or the woman next to us. We have a feeling that once, a long time ago, gods split us in two, and that ever since we’ve been relentlessly searching for our other half. We’ve hoped to find our own oneness in the ideal of the romantic love, in the perfection of the person with whom we’ve united our life, yet this continues to leave us alone, closed into our own loneliness and unattainability of such ideal in our everyday and earthly life. Perhaps the relentless search will one day bring us to our goal, and that other He or She will come to life around and inside us, merge with us to form an indestructible alliance; and perhaps we’ll then find that we didn’t, more than anything in the world, need to be loved by someone, but to love someone.