Radiohead - The National Anthem (Noise Only)

Since KID A MNESIA Exhibition gave us the stems for some songs, I decided to try and recreate the ambience/noise that is in the background of The National Anthem. The audio files are not synced with the original song because they are some sort of “extended“ versions. Multiple tracks seem to have some audio artifacts due to phase inversion done by the devs. Another example is Pulk/Pull’s vocals, in which you can clearly hear the drums in the background. The Radio Samples are too perfect and have little to no reverb, which is present in the studio version. Maybe Jonny provided the raw files, but Thom didn’t? I had to slice the files and place them at the correct spot, based on the original song. Video is Foobar2000’s Spectrogram, recorded with OBS. Extract the audio files from the game with 143mailliw’s WEMExtractor: I used the following audio files from the game: Ondes 1 - 709602031 Ondes 2 - Play_NatA_2Track_Jelly (137299124) Synth 1 - Play_NatA_2Track_Jelly (906467062) Radio Sample 1 - 779615188 Radio Sample 2 Right - (709996326) Radio Sample 2 Left - Play_NatA_RadioLoop_B_Splines_TV (194345821) Radio Sample 3 - Play_NatA_RadioLoop_Splines_TV_Decay_Exit (706648148) Synth 2 - Play_NatA_2Track_Jelly (346258012) Radio Sample 4 - Play_NatA_RadioLoop_C_Splines_TV (257787518) NOTE: Reverb was added and audio correction was done. If you try and align these audio files together, it will not sound like this video. Download Link:
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