Bad Gear - Philips PMC 100

Become a Patron and get access to music clips from the show, additional content, Bad Gear samples and even more AudioPilz madness Welcome to Bad Gear, the show about the world’s most hated audio tools. Today we are going to talk about the Philips PMC 100 Composer. This 80s groovebox/workstation thing and weird combination of an FM synth and a tape deck is the only Philips instrument that I am aware of. Will it replace your Yamaha DX7? Watch Simon the Magpie’s videos and circuit bending experiments: Chapters: 00:00 Intro tune 01:13 Overview 05:07 Hate 05:35 Jam 1 06:29 Jam 2 07:22 Finale 07:50 Verdict
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