shaʇehouu/. - Abysmal

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “*English translation at the bottom* 落胆に圧倒され、努力は水の泡 人生の全てを賭けた先にあるのは無の空間 今まで為し遂げてきたことに意味が見えない事実 (I will never forget,) (All left in vain.) あらゆる失望をこらえることができたなら、 夢の実現が目の前に舞い降りるのだろうか? 僕の失敗は君の目に喜びとして移るのか 永久のものなどなく、僕ら皆が死を迎える 残りの日々は、ここにいる訳を考えながら過ごす (Forgive and regret, I will never forget,) (The things I have done, have all been for nothing,) (All left in vain..) (All left in vain.) 毎時間、毎晩を費やそうと それを理解するのに十分な時間とはならな この無限の後悔を断ち切ろうと試してはいる 君の不可解な存在に、 僕は当惑するのみ 僕の失敗は君の目に喜びとして移るのか 希望なくして消える血や涙はどうだろう 君の存在は、ただの壁だ 僕と夢の間に立ちはだかる壁 [Translation] Overwhelmed by disappointment , my efforts all in vain. Everything I live for is just an empty space, The things I have done, have all been for nothing. I will never forget, All left in vain. If I can repress all my disappointments, then can I fulfil my dreams? Does it bring you joy to watch me fail, Nothing will last and we’re all going to die. Spending my remaining days, wondering why we’re here, Forgive and regret, I will never forget, The things I have done, have all been for nothing, All left in vain.. All left in vain. Every hour, every night, Will never be enough , to understand. Trying to break this timeless cycle of regret. Your questionable existence, continues to bewilder me. Does it bring you joy to watch me fail, and all the hopeless bloodshed and tears. Your presence is just a wall, Separating me and my dreams. from Nihil, released October 15, 2016“
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