Belfast - Kelly Takes Ankarah’s Title (1954)

Belfast, Northern Ireland. GV start of boxing fight between Roy Ankarah the British Empire Featherweight Champion from the Gold Coast and Billy Kelly of Ireland. SV Ankarah and Kelly wrestling around the ring. STV Kelly misses with an upper cut, Ankarah had no trouble in avoiding it. Kelly goes in, but Ankarah beats him to the Punch. SV Irish crowds getting excited as Kelly goes storming in. SCU Kelly and Ankarah punching it out, & STV. SCU end of round, follow Kelly to corner. SV referee Charles Davidson totting up points. SV Kelly being sponged down in corner. SCU Ankarah leaving corner. Start of last round. SV both boxers step in for a quick exchange. SV excited Irishmen urging on Kelly. STV Kelly fighting off Ankarah as he comes in. SCU Kelly hitting Ankarah about the head and switching to stomach. STV Ankarah disengages Kelly, goes forward and they tie up. Ankarah pushes Kelly away, Kelly off balance, somersaults onto his back. Bell goes to end fight as Kelly rises. Boxers shake hands. Referee lifts Kel
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