How to install CircuitPython on the Lilygo ESP32 S2 board.

The Lilygo ESP32 S2 board can run CircuitPython. In this video I am going to show you how to install CircuitPython on the inexpensive and very popular Lilygo ESP32 S2 board. The procedure is not difficult if you know what you have to do, and it won’t take us more than 10 minutes. Let’s start. 🛒 Board: 💻 CH340 Drivers: 💻 ESP Web Flasher: 💻 CircuitPython: As you can see the procedure requires a lot of steps. The first step is to install the CH340 driver to your computer. If you look closely at the board, you can see that the board uses a USB to Serial chip, the CH340 chip. We need to use this chip to change the bootloader of the board, but in order to use it we need to install a driver to our computer. Many operating systems automatically recognize this chip when we plug the device in our computer. Befo
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