[MOBIS Tech] Front-Face Integrated Module | 프론트 페이스 통합 모듈

The Front Face Mechanism Technology is the latest in our integrative solutions to keep us ahead of the electrification industry. With cooling to improve driving range, enhanced design, and increased convenience for charging, this total solution technology is opening up new possibilities for the electrification era. The Active Aerodynamic Technology is composed of Active Aero Hood (AAH), Active Air Flap (AAF), Active Air Curtain (AAC), and Active Air Skirt (AAS). These smart components work together to ensure that the inflow and cooling are controlled in various areas of the vehicle in order to maximize driving range. The Active Sensor Technology for this system consists of the LiDAR Hidden System. This system is uncovered in autonomous driving situations, protecting the LiDAR while matching the grille. The Semi-Auto Charging Technology includes the Semi-Auto Charger. With a dust cover that opens automatically and a charging cable that disconnects automatically, every step in c
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