Painter (???) ciphers kite | Identity V

Hi Solo match, 6 persona Yea, Its just a quick match This kite is not the best one in your life, but I’m proud a little, bc with a bad start we can tie Thanks for perfumer, my babey ;;;; Also I’ll be glad if you can give some advice ewe Time for wtf moment: 00:30 good evening 01:10 good evening??? 02:19 also I’m confused a little, why he saw cowboy so far, is persona works so far? :0 03:16 rip 04:17 so my kites here Tho Its hard to me to look back as all normal peoples xd I try looking at red light and hearing sounds of hunter’s attack 05:58 greedy uhhh, 07:17 forgot about eated pallet so jump with screaming 07:46 hunter’s mistake but he gave chance to us cry 10:29 camp here and drop pallet cause perf primed 06:44 MY SWEETHEART ILY 🥺🥺🥺 08:08 boo oмо Thanks for watching o/
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