yes​/​and – yes​/​and (2021) FULL ALBUM

Driftless Recordings (US, 2021) BUY: 00:00 1. Craggy 01:41 2. Ugly Orange 06:01 3. More Than Love 09:40 4. Learning About Who You Are 17:33 5. Centered Shell 20:10 6. Tumble 22:39 7. Melt Away 25:57 8. Making A Monument 27:31 9. Emotion Scroll 29:57 10. In My Heaven All Faucets Are Fountains The charged partnership of versatile guitarist Meg Duffy (aka Hand Habits) and producer Joel Ford (Oneohtrix Point Never, Jacques Greene, North Americans) took shape during pandemic-shadowed studio sessions in Los Angeles, gradually congealing into a poetic sonic language compellingly distinct from their respective discographies. As the moniker alludes to, ’yes/and’ embraces an elusive, curious forward momentum, spiraling but subdued, between divination and dissipation. Despite the album’s experimental nature, its 10 tracks feel distinctly intimate and emotive, imbued with a strange optimism, both open-ended and
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