iPhone 4 Vs Samsung Galaxy S (GT-i9000) - PART 1

The Samsung Galaxy S, newest Android powered smartphone Versus THE IPhone 4 - part 1 of the full review : hardware - home - out - color - video - camcorder - camera..... part2 : internet - youtube - google earth - google maps - google navigation - gallery ... Samsung Hardware versions : All major wireless providers in the United States have released or announced a distinct variant of the Galaxy S on their network. * T-Mobile: The Samsung Vibrant has a similar feature set to the original Galaxy S, though it does not include a front-facing camera. * ATT: The Samsung Captivate is similar to the original Galaxy S, though the form factor and case have been redesigned. * Sprint: The Samsung Epic 4G is a modified version of the Galaxy S to include 4G connectivity and a slide-out keyboard. * Verizon: The Samsung Fascinate is a modified version of the original Galaxy S. * US Cell
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