Neverwinter Mod 21 - NEW Masterwork Potions 5100 Ratings Buff Stacking Showcase Northside 2021

Neverwinter new masterwork professions or sharandar masterwork are not yet live on the live shard, however i went on and crafted some of the new potions and they give on normal result 4500 ratings, and on 1 result 5100 ratings to power, critical strike, defense, deflect & accuracy. Normaly none of these potions can be active at the same time, so i checked other buff food and combined them with new masterwork potions. For example flask of potency will negate the new masterwork crafted potion, however stronghold food and watermellon sorbe and wild storm elixirwill work in synergy as you will be able to see in the video. It could be usefull for some players, for some not. It depends. In second part of the video i actually crafted the potions and showned what ingredients are needed for each potion so you have that information. If you have any questions put it in the comment section and thank you for watching. Stay safe. Northside If you wish to support me and the channel, have the means and good will you can
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