Read along to practice your English and to learn the English phrases WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT... and COME TO THINK OF IT
In this English lesson I wanted to help you learn the English phrase who would’ve thought. In English, we use this phrase when we’re about to mention something that surprised us. Maybe you went to school with someone named Jim and they didn’t do a very good job in school and they became a scientist. You might say to a friend who would’ve thought that Jim would become a scientist. He didn’t even do his homework in high school. Maybe you had a tree and it’s a very solid looking
... tree and then during a windstorm it blew over. You might say, who would’ve thought that that really big tree would blow over in the windstorm? That’s something that surprised me. So when you talk about something that’s kind of a surprise something that you didn’t expect to happen you might use the English phrase who would’ve thought to start the sentence.
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