Песня Мушкетеров Пора-порадуемся... - Song of Three Musketeers 1978

Песня из кинофильма Д’Артаньян и три мушкетера(1978). Музыка. М. Дунаевского. Слова Ю. Ряшенцева. Song from russian screen version of Three Musketeers(1978) Music by Max Dunaevsky. Lyrics by Yuri Ryashentsev Text: In our lifetime Let’s enjoy The ladies and wine, And good luck with our swords. With feathers swinging on our hats, We’ll tell our Fate: Merci beaucoup. The old saddle is squeaking again, And my old wounds feel the wind. Where the devil are you heading for again? Can’t you afford some peace for a while? In our lifetime Let’s enjoy The ladies and wine, And good luck with our swords. With feathers swinging on our hats, We’ll tell our Fate: Merci beaucoup. Paris needs money, C’est la vie, And it needs more Valiant cavaliers. But what’s a cavalier without love? And what’s a cavalier without luck? In our lifetime Let’s enjoy The ladies and wine, And good luck with our swords. With feathers swinging on our hats, We’ll tell our Fate: Merci beaucoup. Let us enjoy, Let us enjoy... With feathers swin
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