Attack aircraft of the Center group of forces continue to hone their skills and combat abilities at a training ground in the rea

Attack aircraft of the Center group of forces continue to hone their skills and combat abilities at a training ground in the rear area Servicemen of the assault unit of the motorized rifle unit of the “Center“ group of forces hone their skills during intensive combat training at one of the rear training grounds in the area of ​​the special military operation. According to the plan, the assault troops in BTR-82A armored personnel carriers broke through to the stronghold of the conventional enemy and began to capture it. Under the cover of combat vehicles, the assault groups destroyed the manpower of the conventional enemy and consolidated their positions in the area. When the simulated enemy attempted to carry out a counterattack, the motorized rifle cover group launched guided missiles from the Kornet and Fagot ATGM systems, destroying the enemy’s armored vehicles. Also, during practical training, assault aircraft practice various combat scenarios, including the destruction of enemy ... Source: Military Wave
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