The Oldest Unsolved Problem in Math

Do odd perfect numbers exist? Head to to start your free 30-day trial, and the first 200 people get 20% off an annual premium subscription. If you’re looking for a molecular modeling kit, try Snatoms, a kit I invented where the atoms snap together magnetically - A massive thank you to Prof. Pace Nielsen for all his time and help with this video. A big thank you to Dr. Asaf Karagila, Pascal Ochem, Prof. Tianxin Cai, and Prof. William Dunham for their expertise and help. To try GIMPS out yourself: These sources were particularly helpful: Perfect numbers via MacTutor - Cai, T. (2022). Perfect numbers and fibonacci sequences. World Scientific. - Dunham, W. (2022). Euler: The master of us all (Vol. 22). American Mathematical Society. - ▀▀▀ References:
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