French Résistance in 1944 (in color and HD)

Footage of combatants of the french “Resistance“ or the “Forces françaises de l’intérieur“ (FFI) in 1944, together with US Army divisions. 0:00 - 0:11 Résistance fighters (FFI?) passing by the house n°15 place du Général de Gaulle 28000 Chartres. In the background the statue of General Marceau. 0:11 – 0:25 Résistance fighter wearing an adrian helmet from the first world war in front of Sainte-Foy Chapel in Chartres (the building in the background has been demolished in 1971, only its roman portal remains) 0:25 - 0:54 Military and members of the resistance (FFI) gathering at the prefecture 2 rue Collin d’Harleville in Chartres (the canopy in front of the building doesn’t exist anymore) 0:55 – 0:59 Facade of Chartres’ old post office (today médiathèque l’apostrophe 1 Boulevard Maurice Viollette, 28000 Chartres. Flag with the “Croix de Lorraine“ or “Croix d’Anjou“, symbol of the french Resistance m
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