A Message to President Putin from Carol Rosin of Peace in Space

Honorary Doctor Carol Sue Rosin - the spokesperson of Werner Von Braun, father of rocketry - addresses the world leaders with a call to sign the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space. Since Russia at all times has constantly been advocating an exclusively peaceful exploration of Outer Space, Carol chooses the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to be the first to sign the Treaty and call on the other world leaders to do this. Let peace on Earth prevail through peace in Space! Find the Treaty and the relevant information at: Contact Carol Rosin by e-mail: spacetreaty@ В данном видео доступны русские субтитры - чтобы включить их, нажмите на кнопочку “субтитры“ в правом нижнем углу плеера YouTube (либо нажмите на клавиатуре клавишу “с“), затем в настройках (значок шестерёнки) выберите русский язык субтитров.
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