The FUN and EFFICIENT note-taking system I use in my PhD

An overview of Sonke Ahrens’ “How to Take Smart Notes“ is available on the book summary app Shortform! Sign up with my affiliate link to get a 20% discount on an annual subscription 🎉 ➡ The Zettelkasten method of note-taking and knowledge management changed my life and saved my PhD! Originally used by Niklas Luhmann, a German sociologist who wrote hundreds of articles and over 70 books in his lifetime, “zettelkasten“ means “slip box“ because Luhmann’s system was in a literal slip box filled with note cards. I host mine, though, in a program called Obsidian (link below). If my overview of this method got you intrigued, here are some other resources to check out that go into more detail: The best book length overview of the zettelkasten system is “How to Take Smart Notes“ by Sonke Ahrens. I find it useful for getting inspiration and there’s an audiobook, too, if you just need a refresher/
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