Part 1 of 3. Welcome to the first ever University Galacticus video filmed Feb. 3, 2024! This is the first in a three part short series that are to launch the concept and introduce you to University Galacticus (UG). You can read the whole concept of UG at .
In this first segment, we’re introducing the two main characters, actors, motivators, the two main people who have brought this into the state of the world. And we’re going to talk about the stage where it’s at right now, which is me, Brian Ruhe, and my alter ego, higher vibrational alter ego, the dean of University Galacticus.
And the second character is the seventh or eighth dimensional being Betelguese (Bay-tel-geus), who chooses to incarnate as the physical- the orange super giant star that we see in the night sky, in the top left star of Orion, as Betelguese who is called a stellar engine of transformation. And when choosing to interface with humans, channels through an American woman in Texas. She views Betelgeuse as being an aspect of her higher self. The high self needs to talk, not the low self, not the lower version, the higher self needs to talk. So we will be talking to and listening to Betelguese.
If there’s ever a Q&A session much later, or we’re teaching people how to channel or how to experience being a channel, then we will talk to the woman, the channel, as an individual.
But for the purposes of University Galacticus, she doesn’t matter. And she’s the first person who says that she doesn’t matter. It’s Betelguese and his even higher vibrational committee, who are the impetus and the motivator and the guidance and the adjudicators for what university Galacticus is doing.
Then, I describe my journey with Preparing for ET Contact Meetup, Eric Huysmans and Aspen taking me on a journey on Dec. 29, 2022 in this video: University Galacticus , I also describe many meetings and cosmic timing. I talked about the training that Betelgeuse gave me with the rainbow bridge meditation and my bilocation training since 1994 on devas and the higher self.
I was able to work with that every day to really tap into understanding the energetic behind this initiative so that I can bring that high vibrational energy to human existence in a form that is relatable and actionable by human beings.
And that’s who we’re recruiting and that’s who we’re appealing to- our human beings. Betelgeuse is my mentor and the go between, with the high council.
We do meditative journeys, the channel and I, and I also do meditative journeys to go get the guidance. And sometimes it’s really inspirational with sweetness and light and sometimes it’s kind of parental and tough and scary. We’ve had the gamut of that over the past year. But what we want to do is, as much as we possibly can, we need to humanize the objective of university Galacticus because who University Galacticus is appealing to is humanity.