Highlights of Russian Military Operation in Ukraine: highlights of the week May, 13-19, 2024

️ Highlights of Russian Military Operation in Ukraine: highlights of the week May, 13-19, 2024 ▪️Russian troops have again attacked enemy targets in Kharkiv. Four districts of the city came under fire, and one of the hits was at Kharkivsʹkyy Traktornyy Zavod. ▪️In turn, the Ukrainian units launched ATACMS missiles at Luhansk. As a result of the hit, a large fire broke out at the former Stroydetal plant: three people were killed and six others were wounded. ▪️AFU also used missiles of the same type on Bel’bek military airfield in Crimea. Most of the missiles was shot down, but several reached the target: three aircraft were destroyed, another one was damaged. ▪️At the same time, the enemy staged the most massive drone raid on the peninsula since the beginning of the war. More than fifty drones were shot down and 20 USVs were destroyed in Sevastopol. The wreckage of one of the UAVs damaged the substation, the city was temporarily de-energized. ▪️At the end of the week, the enemy la... Source: Rybar in English
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