Simple Camo Painting: Eichentarn or Oak Leaf Pattern [How I Paint Things]

The Waffen SS were the military arm of the Nazi Party until their defeat in 1945. Convicted of multiple war crimes and crimes against humanity, it was declared a criminal organization during the Nuremburg trials. By the end of the Third Reich, fully a third of their number were conscripted or forced into uniform - calling them a ’controversial organization’ isn’t so much accurate as to explain that their place in history is more complex than might be expected. So numerous were the massacres and atrocities committed by the SS that they were initially reported on by soldiers and officers of the German Heer; they so repulsed the men ostensibly on their own side. Favoured with recruits and the best equipment the Nazis could provide, though, they formed an ever more significant fighting force as the war progressed, their dogged fanaticism and adherence to fascist doctrine making them dangerous opponents even as their skill and training began to flag. Representing them on the tabletop is a
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