SANGRE DE MUÉRDAGO - Wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen - Official video 2023

First single extracted from our forthcoming album “O vento que lambe as miñas feridas“. Filmed and edited by Paul Schlesier at Pablo’s old home in Leipzig. Music and lyrics by Pablo Caamiña Ursusson. . . Sei dun paxaro que mora na derradeira póla da sabugueira que medra na miña conciencia. Sei dun camiño que leva a todos e a nengún lugar, unha senda senlleira de pedra e madeira. Sei dun lobiño que soña con ser amigo dunha flor, cunha fala ó solpor ó carón dunha ovella. Sei dun merliño que quere cantar cancións co abellón, camiñar pola beira do río co corvo. Sei dun porquiño que xoga, e dun raposo que lle canta as boas noites a unha lebre deitada na lúa. . . “We open this album with a story of love over boundaries and rules, a song that was initially born after getting to know the news of a person killed for their sexual orientation in a town I call home. Yet the song is lyrically written through the eyes and wishes of different animals, I hope the deep meaning of this song comes through the words and melodies in it found. An embrace to diversity, that everyone that has been feeling “different” does it with confidence and conviction. There shall be no burden in our heart choices, we owe to ourselves to trust the signs that our hearts are giving us. So, let’s live our lives in plenitude, respect and honour each other, free ourselves to live and love and feel our own way, no matter what anybody could think about it. There’s only one way to feel different, which is the good way. In loving memory of all victims of hatred, regardless of their species, and dedicated to all those who dare to try to reach the impossible to turn it into possible.“ . . Georg “Xurxo“ Börner: Nyckelharpa, voice. Mara Winter: Flute. Pablo Caamiña Ursusson: Classical guitar, voice. Audio mix by Tobias Häussler. Audio master by Efrén López.
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