Innessa - Peace

It’s been a year since the war in Ukraine began. I am quietly mourning. I go to my songwriting group. This week’s creative challenge is to write a song about the word “Peace“. Coincidence…? The word “Peace” evokes a whole chain of emotions inside. I stay in the car until I pour all my feelings and thoughts out into this song: PEACE How can the word “Peace” hurt? How can this word pierce through my heart? It should comfort and soothe, you may think… But somehow it makes my heart sink… How can the word “Peace” harm? Should it not make you feel calm? But somehow right now it brings tears The word “Peace”  It’s been a year A long wrenching year Of helplessness, angst and despair How can the word “Peace” hurt? How can this word pierce through my heart? Should it not take me to a place Where gentle breeze carefully strokes my face Where sonorous birds sing And tiny bells softly ring Should it not fill you with the bliss
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