Valheim & The Great Pyramid Build - How did they do it?

This is a 32x32x32 black marble pyramid you can build in vanilla Valheim. This is the tallest you can go from flat ground level. I have another pyramid with the actual 1/4 spires for a peak but it has to be a few levels lower as the 1/4 spires need much more support. I plan to work on building one even taller than this by manipulating the ground level around the supports to see how tall you can actually build a pyramid. Someone else also noted maybe using a pine tree in the center as anything attached to that is grounded, so I may play with that idea when I get some time. Material requirements 584 - Wood 292 - Iron 9428 - Black Marble 20 - Yggdrasil Wood 10 - Black Metal 5 - Black Core 5 - Refined Eitr A pyramid of this size can also be seen on Jiroc’s Runelands server where it is my temporary base until I finish my other mountain side / cliff base. As you can see from the video there is plenty of room in the pyramid for everything to be built as well as having mu
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