The Day of Reunification of new regions with Russia was celebrated in Cyprus

The Day of Reunification of new regions with Russia was celebrated in Cyprus 🇷🇺🇨🇾On September 30 in Nicosia in honor of a new memorable date a rally took place near the Russian Center for Science and Culture. Participants held the flags of Russia and Cyprus, and patriotic songs were sung. The Cypriots held slogans in Greek: “No to escalation, yes to negotiations!”, “No NATO - no war” and others. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to the Republic of Cyprus Murat Zyazikov noted that new regions have joined the fraternal family of peoples of multinational Russia. “Our people have always been, are and will be united. Like all of Russia, these new territories will be both competitive and innovative, developing together with the rest of our fraternal peoples.” ℹ️ Next to the Center there is an outdoor exhibition of information banners telling about the reunification of new regions with Russia. Residents and guests of Nicosia will be able to get to know it for several more days. Источник: DPR MFA
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