Shocked the World!!! Russia has revived the sea monster carrier of global impact

The Army Upgrade channel continues to acquaint you with the most promising weapons of various countries of the world, today we will look at the Seagull A-050. Russia is creating a new “monster“, a sea-shielded carrier of the global strike will be put into service next year. Back in the USSR, the great importance was attached to the screen-planes due to the universal combination of the functions of airplanes and ships. The most famous and successful one is the Lun. It can accelerate up to five hundred kilometers per hour and was armed with the Moskit anti-ship missile system. Nowadays developers are creating a new generation of screen ships made of modern materials, so the new A-050 will weigh about 50 tons, it will be able to take on board one hundred people or nine tons of cargo. Thanks to aircraft engines, the craft will be able to reach speeds up to 450 kilometers per hour, and it will be able to move not only on water, but also on ice or steppe.
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