I got too much loot at the Arctic Research Base

Frozen bears and icy supply drops. Thanks for watching! This was played on a 3x Trios US server. More cool links - Content Timestamps - 00:00 - Intro 00:14 - Freezing My Base Off 03:02 - Comfy Sheets 04:48 - Mansion Expansion 06:47 - Big Rad Woof 09:53 - Poking for Fuel 12:21 - Heavy Metal Rocks 13:06 - There’s Loot in the Floor 13:58 - Hangin Out at Oxums 14:57 - Learning to Shoot 15:40 - Barely Gettin By 16:29 - Sheet Metal Storage 17:47 - Ice Base Expectations 18:55 - Smells Like Fish 19:47 - Dwellers 22:06 - Learning About Clothes 22:49 - Bad News 23:23 - Fresh Start 25:18 - Smart...er. Wiser. Barely Dead. 27:03 - Double Trouble 28:28 - Trouble Doubled 29:54 - Scram Woofie! 30:38 - Science House With Cool Doors 31:20 - Customized Grubbing 31:46 - Upgraded Bear Shack 32:50 - Research Base Ghost 33:59 - Bear Terror Begins 34:42 - Yosemite Sam in a White Jacket 35:29 - First Disappointing L
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