7 Ways to Make Stuff from Recycled Plastic | From Tin Cans to Wazer Waterjet cutting!

Supporting our sponsors helps keep us in the workshop and saving more plastic from becoming pollution 🤙🏽 Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code brothersmake For our last video of 2022, we thought we’d show you all a load of different ways that we’ve used to recycle plastic for our projects. These range from super simple DIY-friendly methods such as a tin can with a heat gun, all the way up to some of the tools and machines we use to run our small business. Hopefully there’s something for everyone and that you get something from this video :) In the video, we showed you how we can now cut our own metal moulds using our new Wazer water jet cutter, which Wazer sponsored some of the purchase. If you’d like to work with us in bringing your product idea to life using 100% recycled plastic manufacturing, then get in touch and we can work on a design together! Check out
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