Are we losing the art of human interaction? 🤔 To be honest folks, I think we might be. After loosely putting it to the test while I’ve been out and about on hikes and adventures, I’ve found that quite a lot of humans struggle with human to human communication and interaction. Now I don’t think it’s a fault of their own. Well, for the most part anyway! In a nutshell I believe technology (especially ’smart’ phones) has a huge part to play regarding this 📵 The way the world is going is definitely not helping either. We have so many distraction options these days that you could almost feel like you don’t need to interact with another human. You can get all of your dopamine hits via that little piece of technology in your pocket! Social media? Anti-social media more like 😶 Now don’t get me wrong, I use social media and the internet every day, as most of us do. It’s a way of life these days. BUT, we should have control over our usage and not let it get in the way of PROPER HUMAN TO HUMAN COMMUNICATION 👊🏼 Anyways, in this little Chinwag I go on to talk about my experiences and views on these subjects. I hope you can join me 🙂 Here’s the Chinwag Playlist if you like these kind of videos. I chat about random stuff that interests me. Usually travel and adventure related with the occasional one about my thoughts related to a certain topic. Until the next one folks, stay chirpy. Peace ✌🏼😎🧡
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