Highly Suspect My Name Is Human Lyrics

As I couldn’t find lyrics on the screen with this specific song I whipped one up myself right before sleeping last night. It is very basic and honestly something someone with single digits to their years could do. Please note I do not claim to own any content of this song, nor am I making any money from this. They may ask me to remove this at any time and I will. They may also simply have Youtube remove this video as they please. This will hopefully promote the band and song. Also I advise you to go to their main channel on Youtube to listen to this song there and other ones by them. Band - Highly Suspect Song - My Name Is human Their Twitter - Official song location - Site - Edit: Seems there is a mistake in the lyrics, it is “And find out what you are“ Not “And Find out what you want“. Not putting it in because the edits stand out to much to me on other videos that do. Showing love to some I think deserve it with their content below. This might be rotating, not sure, and no I am making no profits from these links. I am doing them purely for the same reason I did the video and links above, to try to help people get more attention. Munfu Proffitt, rap breakdowns and reactions.
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