Girls’ Frontline - Slowshock CN Event PV (1080p+ bilibili)

An iron first guides us to hope, while the dead sea sees the light of dawn. We fight back to back now, Commander. Operation Muromets, begin! 铁腕指引希望,死海迎来曙光。指挥官,这是我们真正的并肩作战,穆罗梅茨行动,启动! Stream recording: Source: Original title 2023大型战役活动“慢休克”PV正式公开! #GFL #girlsfrontline #ドルフロ #ドールズフロントライン #少女前線 #少女前线 #소녀전선 #gfl2 #ドルフロ2 #ドールズフロントライン2 #羽中 #散爆 #yuzhong #memes #GFL2 #GF2 If you see ads on my videos, I didn’t put em there. The big one above did. Contact: Professional Oryza Sativa#9628 For video updates/text translations/others: See Community Posts or:
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