Gülümcan by Murat Isbilen - Andreas Lindae, guitar duo

This piece was inspired by my friend Behnaz from Teheran (youtube channel behzfd). She recently played this piece with solo guitar. Please have a look here: Here I play Murat Isbilens original version (which is for flute/violine and guitar) with 2 guitars - synchronized and only slightly changed. Please enjoy. The score for it was available on Murats former website () which seems to be down now. When anybody knows the follower site, please give me a PN and I can write that here. Someone told me to publish the 2nd voice alone, so you can play along with me. You find it here: (this link has been updated due to the youtube security update July 2021) Here in this piece the A is tuned to 443 Hz! Guitar: Guitar Rafael Moreno Rodriguez, Granada 1986 Recording: Zoom H4n with external mics Rode NT5
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