Our MAST Is Going OFF (Lagoon 46 Motor Yacht?!?) | Ep. 42

After living on the boatyard for 2 weeks we were very happy to be in the water again. Our next challenge was sailing to Vilamoura to get the mast taken off! Luckily we had almost a week to get there, so that left us some time to relax and visit some magnificent places along the way. When we were all set we left Lagos to sail to Alvor, only 15 minutes further down the coast. We arrived there at the right moment, you can only enter the Rio de Alvor during the high tide. When we entered the river estuary we could immediately see what a wonderful place it was. It was full of sandbanks which gave us the feeling we were somewhere at a tropical destination. The kids were super excited to go and play on the sandbanks. The next day we had planned to visit the caves in Lagos. The sea was calm enough to get there with the dinghy. We made sure we were dressed warm enough and had our live vests on because dinghy rides can be cold and wet. The caves were beautiful, we tried to enter one but the sea was a
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