Hissing Cockroach Birth - Pt. 1

Madagascan hissing cockroach giving birth. Part two: This video was featured on Animal Planet’s Weird, True Freaky. I am not partial to how the show portrays them to be horrifying, “sci-fi“ monsters, and they didn’t even talk about the part where she squirts out “cockroach milk“ to feed her babies after they’re born, which is probably the “freakiest“ part to most people :P Ah well. It’s sad that most people can’t enjoy and celebrate these animals without thinking of them as horrifying, monstrous creatures. I understand it’s unusual and “gross“ as any birth is... but I get so sick of the blatant hate and constant actual threats from people just for loving these animals. Also I feel the need to note: Don’t bother leaving rude comments. They will not be approved (unless I find your comment SO ignorant that I think everyone should see it), and you will be blocked. Cockroaches are VERY helpful
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