Sahaja Yoga Cleansing Technique: Foot-Soaking

Cleansing Technique: Foot-Soaking When the day is over (also anytime), relax by soaking your feet in salt water while meditating. This technique relieves the body of stress and allows for a peaceful and relaxed night’s rest. Sit comfortably in a chair with your hands out on your lap, facing Shri Mataji’s photograph. Place your feet in a basin or bucket of luke warm water containing a handful of salt. Meditate for 10 to 15 minutes. You can say some affirmations to cleanse the chakras. Rinse and dry your feet. Flush the water down the toilet. Try not to look directly in the bucket before flushing. Don’t use the foot-soak bucket for any other purpose. Sit for 10 to 15 minutes in the water. Rinse and dry the feet. And throw the water down the toilet. Wash your hands and sit for another meditation. Afterward, to close your meditation raise your kundalini and give yourself a bandhan. If you have a hot right channel or have heat in your right hand (right-sided), you can experiment with using cool, cold or even ice water. if you have a cold left channel or tingles and blockages indicated in the left hand(left-sided), you can use warm or hot water. For the center channel and in-general use ordinary or lukewarm water. One needs to experiment to find the most suitable for oneself. Amounts of physical, mental, and emotional energy used during the day and also the environment or Seasons may affect this. Also other factors. Pay attention to your vibrations.
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