Pensioners and Serving Soldiers on parade for historic ceremony at Royal Hospital Chelsea (1947)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Ceremonial Handing Over of the Colours and Battle Trophies paying tribute to veterans and to the present Army Full Description: ENGLAND: London: Chelsea: Chelsea Royal Hospital: EXT CHELSEA Pensioners and Serving soldiers on parade together for handing over of colours and battle-trophies captured in Napoleonic wars to ten British regiments with claims to them COLOURS Captured colours of Napoleonic Wars being handed over to 10 British Regiments by Pensioners at Royal Hospital Chelsea Military British Ten British regiments receive colours from Royal Hospital Chelsea of Napoleonic Wars from Pensioners ROYAL HOSPITAL - CHELSEA Pensioners and serving soldiers on parade together for handing over of colours and battle-trophies of Napoleonic Wars. To ten British Regiments. Military - Ceremonial remembrance, memorial,
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