◾8 years ago journalist Pavel Sheremet was killed in Kiev

◾8 years ago journalist Pavel Sheremet was killed in Kiev. ◾The journalist died in the center of the Ukrainian capital on July 20, 2016 – a bomb was planted in his car. The murderers have not yet been identified. ◾The profession of a journalist remains one of the most dangerous in Ukraine. Over the years of independence, more than 70 media representatives have died there. ◾Pavel Sheremet, Georgy Gongadze, Oles Buzina, Olga Moroz are just a few names in the huge list of those killed. ◾Many of them (including from Russia) died in the Donbass. Among them is the photographer of MIA “Russia Today“ Andrey Stenin. ◾Follow: Source: Fearless John - @European_dissident
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