STEFAN cel MARE --- english subtitle

The opening sequences of the film specify the following: “Fifteenth-century Europe was in danger of a new Ottoman invasion. Sultan Muhammad II, at the head of one of the most powerful armies in the world, conquered in 1453 Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. Once installed on the throne of the Byzantine emperors, Muhammad launched his armies of Spahis and Janissaries into Asia and Europe. The kingdom of Trabzon, the islands of the Mediterranean, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia and Albania are passed one by one by fire and sword. However, in the way of the triumphant march of the conqueror along the continent, some brave leaders of armies and peoples rose, defending the national being and the independence of their countries. Among them, the history of the world places in place of honor the Stephen the Great, the prince of Moldova, one of the Romanian states situated between the Danube, the Black Sea and the Carpathians. ”. [4]
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