Speed Painting Imperial Japanese Infantry - How I Paint Things

By the time Allied forces would clash with the Imperial Japanese Army, they were facing a tough, determined foe that were in many cases already combat veterans. Outgunned, their equipment outclassed as the war dragged on, but never outfought: The Japanese soldier would do his duty to the last. READ MORE: Check out the Warlord Games online store: ?aff=10 if you’re planning on picking up your own Bolt Action miniatures - or for whichever game you might plan on playing with them! Though supply shortages and coordination would hamstring the IJA during the Pacific campaign, at the scale most of our tabletop games take place at these are distant concerns; the Japanese infantryman is a fierce, capable and experienced opponent. Possessed of a code of honour and faith in the Emperor that was almost alien to the US Army, Marines and other soldiers of the Allied nations that did battle against them, the Japanese soldier fought a tenacious battle against burgeoning super
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