#vathos #burning #red #official #video #postblack #metal
Video director, producer & editing: Ramona Marianti Birca.
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Assistant camera: Alexandra Crusoveanu
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Assistant : Alexandra Romina Păduraru
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Song produced and written by Radu Alexandru, Ducul, Mannequin, Dany Ice
Story written by Mannequin, Dany Ice & Ramona Marianti Birca
Recording, mixing & mastering by Marius Costache at Studio148
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Ducul (guitar)
Dany Ice (bass)
Mannequin (guitar)
Radu (vocals)
Alexandra Romina Paduraru (vocals)
DuoReikon (performers)
You ( headbang & sway )
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#vathos #cinematic #offcialmusicvideo #vathosmusicvideo #metalband #romaniametalband
*Drums recorded by Gigi at Studio 148
As this voice entails
The spark of a lost tale
Silently is eating you
And forgotten will be our fate
I’ll say good riddance
Farewell dear friend
This is where we part ways
And be on our way
We’ll just be on our way
Into the night
We’ll just be on our way
Don’t kill the messenger
With forward telling stories
Engaged to reign over
Non-existent, perceived the least!
The rain has fallen, but so did our halos
Empty tears on an empty canvas
The rain has fallen, washed away our fears
Empty tears on an empty canvas
The rain has fallen, but so did our halos
Empty tears on an empty canvas
The hell in our eyes
Shadowed limb shared through sorrow
Apathy overcomes our minds, burning red and bright
(Burning red and bright, as the sun)
(Burning red and bright)
As we embrace in the same fate, malevolence
Born from fear of the unknown
We can’t get away, forever in ignorance
Defying ourselves to be
(At loss, with morality!)
Into nothingness,
Into nothingness!
(Into nothingness)
We lay,
We rest!
1 view
6 months ago 00:03:53 1
Vũ đạo hội thánh Cơ Đốc | Toàn thể nhân loại, hãy đến thờ phượng Đức Chúa Trời
8 months ago 00:27:04 1
Hướng dẫn chi tiết cách làm chuông gió Trăng khuyết và Thỏ Ngọc treo tường từ kẽm Nhung
8 months ago 00:03:44 1
9 months ago 00:03:42 1
Kata Vathos (Instrumental)
9 months ago 00:38:21 1
Thu hoạch vải sớm U Hồng bị ngập nước - Trang trại Thu Hiền
10 months ago 00:00:09 1
Vẻ đẹp của sườn xám nằm ở sự duyên dáng và thơ mộng của nó #aodaiviendong
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